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University Health Service

Highfield Health and the University Health Service have now merged. Find out more.

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Do you have a muscle, bone or joint problem? If so, a physiotherapist is often the best person to speak to.

Please note: if you have been asked to self-refer to a course of physiotherapy by your GP, please use option 2.

To access a physiotherapist you have 2 options:

OPTION 1 - Single appointment for assessment & advice
Our First Contact Physiotherapy (FCP) service is available with our all our patients. They provide quick access to assessment, diagnosis and treatment. You do not need to see the GP or Nurse Practitioner first, and they can arrange everything the medical team can as well as commence physiotherapy treatment. You can watch a short video about the FCP service here.

How to book:
Call the surgery on 023 8055 7531 (ideally before 1130) to book an appointment with the FCP.

OPTION 2 - More complex conditions
If your problem has been occurring for a little while or you feel you would benefit from a course of physiotherapy treatment, you can self-refer to the Solent MSK service.

How to book:
Complete the online self referral form
Call 0300 123 6680 to book your appointment

If you have just sustained an injury, you may need to go to the minor injuries unit for advice or an x-ray.