Obtaining help when you are away from university
There are a number of ways that you can obtain medical help whilst away from university, which include:
• going to a local walk in centre
• going to a local minor injuries unit
• going to a local urgent treatment centre
• going to a local contraception service
• going to a local emergency contraception provider
• going to a local sexual health clinic
• registering as temporary resident at a local GP practice
For the latter you will need to complete a 'Temporary Resident' form. This service is not intended for anything other than short stays.
If you need further supplies of a drug that is already on repeat, there are several ways we can get a prescription to you:
• electronically via EPS to a local pharmacy (within England)
• by posting it to you in a stamped addresse envelope you supply to use
• by posting it to you by purchasing postage online (via Paypal)
NEVER use an hospital Emergency Department for care which could be obtained by a non-emergency method.